

Searching for a GP job in Australia includes the use of a lot of specialist terminology. Its summarised here, to help you navigate the system.

19AAMedicare legislation designed to recognise and support general practice as a vocational specialty
19ABMedicare legislation restricting overseas trained doctors from accessing Medicare benefits unless they work in certain locations and meet eligibility requirements under the Health Insurance Act of  1973
ACRRMAustralian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
AHPRAAustralian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
AGPTAustralian General Practice Training program. The AGPT program is a postgraduate vocational training program for medical graduates wishing to pursue a career in general practice and/or rural and remote medicine in Australia.
AMCAustralian Medical Council (AMC) is an independent national standards and assessment body for medical education and training.
DPADistribution Priority Area (previously District of Workforce Shortage (DWS))
FSPFellowship Support Program (replacing   Practice Experience Program PEP)
Kruk ReviewAustralian government review that enabled reform of Medical Registration, in particular of General Practitioners. 
IMGInternational Medical Graduate. Medical Practitioners whose medical qualifications are from a medical school outside of Australia or New Zealand.
MM levelModified Monash level (Measure of remoteness for a location)
OTDOverseas Trained Doctors and foreign graduates are health professionals who attained their medical qualification outside Australia or New Zealand, or who weren’t citizens when they enrolled in medical school.
Expedited Pathway AHPRA Expedited Pathway, enabling MRCGP, MICGP and RNZCGP qualified doctors to become Specialist Registered Doctors with AHPRA in a faster timeframe.
RVTSRural Vocational Training Scheme
RACGPRoyal Australian College of General Practitioners
RACGP fellowship exam #1AKTApplied Knowledge Test (computer-based assessment)
RACGP fellowship exam #2KFPKey Feature Problems (assessment of clinical reasoning)
RACGP fellowship exam #3CCEClinical Competency Exam (CCE) (replaced Remote Clinical Exam (RCE), and Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE))

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