MDRAP – More Doctors for Rural Australia Program

More Doctors for Rural Australia Program

The More Doctors for Rural Australia Program is a 3GA program that enables doctors who are non-vocationally registered to work in rural regions and access Medicare.

The practice location should be DPA and MM2 or higher.

MDRAP has categories for applicants who:

  • Have prior general practice experience
  • Do not have general practice experience
  • Want to provide locum services (with prior general practice experience); and
  • Are junior doctors who are seeking general practice exposure

Applicants and locations must meet the MDRAP requirements to be granted an approved placement. The program can support Australian citizens, permanent residents and temporary residents.

Approved MDRAP participants will access items from group A7 of the Medicare Benefits Schedule. These items are set at 80% of the equivalent general practice items.

A clinical assessment of MDRAP applicants will determine whether the applicant has the necessary skills and experience to perform the role and whether there is the appropriate level of support for the applicant from the practice. Applicants should be prepared to attend a clinical interview as part of the assessment.

The program is initially for 12 months and may be able to be extended to a total of two years.

MDRAP is used as a bridge towards the time that the doctor commences on their pathway to fellowship such as RACGP FSP, ACRRM Independent Pathway, Remote Vocational Training Scheme, or Rural Generalist Training Scheme.

MDRAP Participants’ Support Program

When you are placed on MDRAP, the MDRAP Support Program supports you throughout your involvement in the program, providing you access to comprehensive medical education and support.


Practice in a DPA / MM2+ can access this program, including support for new supervisors, and training.

MDRAP is administered by Rural Workforce Agencies in accordance with the MDRAP Guidelines.

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