RACGP Lists Sweden’s “Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice” Qualification As Substantially Comparable

RACGP Recognition

The Royal Australian College of GPs now lists the curricula of Sweden’s “Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice” qualification, as being assessed as Substantially Comparable.

This enables these Specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) to access the PEP Specialist Stream.

Doctors who hold this qualification can apply for work in locations that are DPA, and can work unrestricted in a General Practitioner Job in Australia.


Coastal Locations, Regional Cities

Here at Doctor Connect, we have jobs in practices in all regions that offer suitable supervision for candidates with this qualification, if you are looking to move to Australia.

Locations include Mandurah, Rockingham, Canning Vale (Perth), Albany, Margaret River, Bunbury and Karratha.

You’ll be able to access work visas, and permanent residency of Australia.


Excellent Earnings and Benefits

Each different location, and each job, offer you different opportunities, please contact us to discuss.

These locations are mostly coastal towns, all offer excellent facilities and support.

For example, working in coastal Mandurah, on the edge of the city, allows you to choose to live in an inner-city, or semi-rural location, while working in an area where GPs are very welcomed by the community, and highly respected.

These areas have good healthcare facilities, and well-trained colleagues.

We’ll work to make sure the cultural aspects of your move are taken into account.


Support for your Job Search, and Registration Paperwork

We understand that this move can be confusing, and offer you many years of experience in working with the system.

Once we’ve found the right practice and town for you, we’ll work with you to get through the paperwork for the AMC (Australian Medical Council), RACGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners), AHPRA (Medical Board), Medicare, and the Department of Immigration, and will meet you at the airport with a program for the orientation and settling in.


Job Searching

Suitable DPA GP jobs are listed here.

If you hold the “Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice” from Sweden, please contact us to discuss via email or WhatsApp.

dave@doctorconnect.health / +6147896608