DPA Update 2022 – Excellent Locations available for IMGs in Western Australia

DPA Map Updated

The Government and the Department of Health have released the updated DPA map, and a media release.

Minister for Rural and Regional Health, Emma McBride said “The further you live outside a big city, the harder it is to access healthcare which is why it’s so important to give these communities priority access to GPs.”

Here at Doctor Connect, we’re working to bring doctors together with suitable practices to help all communities.

After all the changes of the last 6 months, we can all use this map to plan for the next year.


DPA GP Jobs Available

Prominent current West Australian DPA locations include Mandurah, Yanchep, Kwinana and Rockingham.

Click here for all DPA GP jobs.


Desirable locations for nonVR GPs seeking to join the RACGP FSP pathway GP Fellowship (locations to that are both DPA and MM2+) include Bunbury, Two Rocks, Albany, Geraldton, Karratha and Broome.

Click here for all nonVR GP jobs.


With extremely high waiting times for General Practice in WA -there was an increase from 2.27 to 4.02 between 2019 and 2022)- General Practitioners are certainly in demand in WA.

For a General overview on Distribution Priority Areas -DPA- read our blog here

Contact us to discuss via email or WhatsApp.

dave@doctorconnect.health / +6147896608