Pathways to GP Specialist Registration

Doctor Connect Opportunities Overview

Doctor Connect’s reason for existing is to bring together qualified doctors with practices and communities, typically in the primary care setting.

Doctors whose degree was studied abroad need to work within the constraints of registration -AMC, AHPRA, Medical Board, Medical College assessment (RACGP & ACRRM)- Immigration, and Medicare funding, to be able to practice as a General Practitioner in Australia.

Once we’ve fulfilled these requirements, we work to find the best possible opportunity for you, taking into account your personal situation, and career and life goals.

We have jobs where you’ll work in supportive practices, where you will be fulfilled in your work, and achieve your career and financial goals. You’ll also feel welcome in a community who are glad to have the support of a caring practitioner.


Pathways to GP Fellowship

Doctor Connect can help you find a job with any of the following pathways. Read through these pages to help you appreciate which GP College (ACRRM or RACGP), and which GP Fellowship Pathway suits your circumstances best.

  • Substantially Comparable – RACGP Specialist Pathway
  • Partially Comparable – RACGP Specialist Pathway
  • ACRRM Independent Pathway (NonVR pathway)
  • Pathway to Fellowship – RACGP Fellowship Support Pathway (FSP) (NonVR pathway)
  • Pathway to Fellowship – Rural Generalist Training Scheme (NonVR pathway)
  • Pathway to Fellowship – RVTS (NonVR pathway)
  • People Medical – Supervised Doctor Pathway

Key features of training streams under the GP Fellowship Programs are also listed by the Department of Health HERE (page 10).


Thinking About Location

The medical system restricts OTDs from working in parts of the county where there are already enough GPs. If your qualification is considered Substantially Comparable, you only have to look for a Distribution Priority Area (DPA). If your qualification is Partially Comparable, then you are required to work in a rural or remote (MM2+) area.

Those who have gained AHPRA General registration can work as a non VR GP, while joining a Pathway to Fellowship, which will also be in a rural or remote (MM2+) area.

Its worth noting that there is additional encouragement for you to go to the more rural and remote through schemes including Rural Incentives, and Moratorium Reduction.

Doctor Connect will work to help you prioritise and achieve your interlinked career and personal goals that will likely include:

  • attaining Vocational Registration (VR)
  • getting onto a pathway to achieve Permanent Residence (PR), and
  • completing your moratorium in reduced time if possible

The great news is: there are lovely communities where you will be very welcome, and you’ll be able to achieve these goals and earn an excellent income.

Please read through these pages, and refer back to jobs that suit you on our JOBS PAGE.

*This information is correct as understood while writing. If you have any questions, potential updates, corrections, or feedback on the information provided on these pages, it will be gladly accepted. Please email -Thanks.