Partially Comparable – RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway

Partially Comparable – RACGP PEP, Specialist Pathway

Location requirement:                  DPA/MM2+

We are working with a large number of practices who have jobs available for GPs with one of the Partially Comparable qualifications.

The RACGP assesses comparability on how much assessment, training, qualifications and clinical experience are equivalent to an Australian-trained general practitioner at the point of attaining Fellowship.

Partially comparable means the applicant has been assessed as suitable to reach comparability in 6-24 months’ practice.

You will receive the full A1 Medicare rebate, the same as Fellowed GPs.

After completing six months’ full time equivalent (FTE) comprehensive general practice under supervision (level 3), you can apply to sit the RACGP’s Applied Knowledge Test (AKT), Key Feature Problem (KFP) and Clinical Examination.

Upon passing these, you will become a Fellow of the RACGP, and thus need to work in a DPA location, but don’t need to work in an MM2+ location.

For suitable jobs, go to and tick MM2-7     (contact us to discuss other locations)

Curricula assessed by the RACGP as Substantially Comparable include:

  • MRCGP (Int.) – South Asia
  • Malaysia – Master in Family Medicine, National University of Malaysia
  • Netherlands – Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice
  • Philippines – Diplomate of Family and Community Medicine
  • Saudi Arabia – Saudi Board in Family Medicine
  • Singapore – Master of Medicine in Family Medicine
  • Sri Lanka – MD Family Medicine
  • USA – Certification of the American Board of Family Medicine

Contact us to discuss your options.