RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway Part B – Job offer approval application

After completing Part A (Comparability Assessment
Application) we move to the next step i.e Job offer approval application (which
may take up to 3 weeks to assess).

This is called RACGP Part B.

This is where information about your job offer in Australia
is reviewed by the RACGP.

Your job offer details in Australia (including scope of
practice and location) is checked by RACGP to gain a RACGP Provider Number.

1. Your job must meet the minimum time requirement of 14.5
hours over 2 days.

2. Your job must be in comprehensive general practice in an
approved practice location.

Firstly, you will submit a written letter of offer (or
contract) from the practice. This is submitted in your Portal.

There is no RACGP template as practices may have their own
agreement templates, but what’s important is that the details of the letter of
offer (or contract) match the details of the application. These details must
also include the following:

Doctor’s name

Practice address

Proposed weekly hours

Proposed start date (we understand that this may
change depending on registration/visas)


Signed by representative of the practice

Must have the practice logo on the letter

*We do have a version of this letter that we can share upon
request for the practice to refer to.

Additionally, the RACGP portal requires you to fill in the
same details, and then request and complete a further “letter of support
from the practice” online https://applications.racgp.org.au/prog/pep_specialist/

So, via these methods, the RACGP is cross-checking the
details of your placement.

IMPORTANT: Please note that practice is not a required to be
accredited for PEP Specialist pathways, but they do require that practices must
be open and actively seeing patients at that specific location as they require
an exact street address to be stated.

Currently, this Part-B process is taking around 1 – 2 weeks.

Then, once the job offer is approved, applicants can apply
for medical registration with AHPRA .

Reference – RACGP