BIG news for PEP Specialist Pathway – AHPRA ID check removed

Big news for PEP specialist Pathway

We’ve been saying that this is a great time for Specialist General Practitioners / Family Medicine Doctors to move to Australia.


Ahpra has announced that from 18 December, overseas-based applicants will no longer need to attend an in-person identity check in Australia before their registration can be granted.

The removal of the AHPRA ID check is great news, taking one impractical barrier out of the way.


Whats making Australia the BEST place in the world for Specialist General Practitioners / Family Medicine Doctors to move to?

  • AHPRA Processing times have definitely shrug in recent months
  • Immigration processing times seem faster than they have been in several years
  • Recently the RACGP removed the 10 case studies, and streamline the 50 points of CPD
  • Our dedicated Doctor Connect Registration team are working to make this process as smooth as possible, and aiming to make it faster, for the benefit of the doctor, their family, the practice, and the welcoming communities, who will be so glad to have qualified, and committed doctors in their towns.


Now, AHPRA and National Boards can register an overseas-based health practitioner before they come to Australia.

Rural Doctors Network CEO Richard Colbran welcomed the streamlining of the registration process, saying it would contribute to Australia’s ability to attract and recruit health workforce.

‘Internationally trained medical and health staff are vital for our nation’s social fabric, and have been for decades, and we are grateful for their commitment and service, Mr Colbran said.

‘The whole sector should be prepared to adjust ways of working to ensure processes are smoother and engagement is genuine so that we give our clinical professionals the best chance of success in supporting our communities and thrive professionally.’ 


2023 has seen our Doctor Connect team work with a fantastic group of doctors who have started to arrive and start work in our welcoming communities across Australia.

We’re excited to continue this on in the new year and beyond.


If you have a question about jobs, locations, or processes for GPs moving to Australia – please contact us today


Doctor Connect Team