Expedited Specialist Pathway for Irish MICGPs and UK MRCGPs

MICGPs holding CSCST, and MRCGPs holding CCT may be able to start work in Australia within 3 months, or less, of registration processing time.


General Practitioners Prioritised

  • GPs are the first of the priority specialists identified by the Medical Board to create a fast track process to get more medical specialists to Australia.
  • The Kruk review explicitly recommended the creation of an alternative fast track pathway to specialist registration for eligible medical specialists from countries with comparable healthcare systems. https://doctorconnect.blog/3TvPRwq
  • Eligible SIMGs on the expedited specialist pathway will be granted specialist registration with conditions that allow them to work as a specialist while undertaking six months of supervised practice, cultural safety education and an orientation to the Australian healthcare system. The expedited specialist pathway is expected to open for general practice late October 2024 https://doctorconnect.blog/3Txr633
  • The new, expedited pathway for doctors with eligible qualifications will sit alongside the existing pathway to specialist registration, which will remain in place for SIMGs not eligible for the expedited pathway. Over the last year there has also been a 26% decrease in the time taken to assess applications. https://doctorconnect.blog/3ZsdvOm
  • RACGP is committed to doing what it can to make it simpler, less onerous, and more streamlined https://doctorconnect.blog/47ujqED


Doctor Connect – Your Partner 

  • Doctor Connect is a medical recruitment specialist with a long history of helping to connect doctors with supportive practices and communities.
  • As well as being able to advise you of your eligibility, and connect you with suitable job options in all regions of Australia, we have an excellent registrations team who will make sure you move through this new expedited process as quick and smoothly as possible.


Get in touch with your recruitment consultant today: WhatsApp: +61 459 064 707