ACRRM Specialist Pathway

ACRRM Specialist Pathway

Location requirement:                  DPA/MM4+


The Specialist pathway is an assessment pathway with a focus on rural and remote practice.

It provides International Medical Graduates, with a recognised overseas general practice qualification, the opportunity to gain Fellowship with ACRRM and recognition and registration in the specialty of general practice while living and working within Australia.


The Specialist Pathway leads to Specialist registration in the specialty of general practice with the Medical Board of Australia and Fellowship of ACRRM (FACRRM).


Doctors who have ACRRM-recognised overseas specialist qualifications in general practice or family medicine, may apply for assessment by ACRRM on the Specialist Pathway.

This includes Canadian or New Zealand GP specialists under Ad eundem gradum arrangements.


Doctors on the ACRRM Specialist Pathway must work in a rural health service (MM4+ location) to enable of rural generalist competencies to be assessed.


You don’t need to be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident to take part in this program.


Jobs Available: (contact us to discuss other locations) CLICK HERE


For more information CLICK HERE


Earnings:                                           Full A1 (VR) Medicare rebate


If you hold one of the following qualifications you’re eligible to apply to be assessed by ACRRM under the College’s Specialist pathway.

Belgium               Specialist Certificate in general practice/family medicine

Canada                 Certificate in Family Medicine from College of Family Physicians Canada (CFPC)

Denmark              Specialist Certificate in Family Medicine

Hong Kong          Fellowship of the Hong Kong College of General Practitioners

Ireland                 Members of the Irish College of General Practice (MICGP)

Netherlands        Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice

New Zealand      Fellowship of the Division of Rural Hospital Medicine New Zealand (FDRHMNZ)

New Zealand      Holders of Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (FRNZCGP)

Norway                Certificate of Specific Training for General Medical Practice

Singapore            Fellowship of the College of Family Physicians Singapore

South Africa        Holders of Master of Family Medicine, South Africa, and

South Africa        Holders of Fellowship of the College of Family Physicians

Sweden                Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice

United Kingdom Membership of the Royal College of General Practice (MRCGP)

USA                       Holders of Certificate of the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)