Expedited Pathway


General Practitioner Jobs

Registration in Australia from UK, Ireland and NZ

The Medical Board of Australia now acknowledges the comparability of specialist family medicine qualifications in Ireland, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. This allows eligible doctors to join an Australian practice via the Expedited Pathway in a matter of months.

Finding the Right Job

Doctor Connect is an Australian-based recruitment company with 10 years of experience helping general practitioners find jobs. We will ensure you are in a suitable workplace with all the support you need for a successful career change.

We also consider the importance of ensuring you and your family can settle into supportive school and work environments, respecting your cultural and religious considerations. When speaking with your Doctor Connect Recruitment Consultant, we must be clear on the priorities for you and your family:

  • What are you looking for in this move?
  • How many people are in your family, and what ages are your children?
  • Do you have any factors drawing you to one area or another?
  • Can you be flexible for the best possible supportive job and a strong income?
  • What is your notice period with your current workplace?
  • When are you available to start work in Australia?
  • Please advise us of any other considerations.

We have experience working with many doctors moving to Australia, so we can help you with specific advice to ensure you pass all the requirements and start work as soon as possible.

Suitable Practice Locations

Australia has a shortage of General Practitioners. For many years, this shortage has been most significant in outer metropolitan and rural areas and there is a concerted effort to improve this situation. The shortage in metro areas is projected to grow in the coming years towards 2030, so moving your career to Australia now is a great strategy.

For doctors who studied for their medical degree outside Australia, known as Overseas Trained Doctors (OTD) or International Medical Graduates (IMGs)’ government workforce rules govern the location where you can work. This is to encourage you to work in the areas where there is a shortage of General Practitioners. These areas include outer metro, regional cities and rural towns where there are some great opportunities for you and your family to have an excellent lifestyle.

Doctors on the Expedited Pathway, with a Substantially Comparable qualification, are required to work in a location that’s called a Distribution Priority Area (DPA) while you are restricted by your 10-year moratorium. GPs can work in some great rural towns and thereby reduce the 10-year moratorium down to 6, 5, or 4 years. These GPs are then unrestricted and can choose where they want to work and live.

There are multiple layers of financial benefits to working in rural areas:

  • In rural areas with a shortage of GPs, your rate per consult will be higher and you will be fully booked in advance.
  • Additionally, the government pays an automatic annual additional amount to GPs working in MM3+ locations.

The three goals for GPs settling in Australia – making the system work for you

By being strategic about which community you join, you can achieve the big three goals for overseas doctors in a short space of time.

  1. Complete FRACGP to gain Specialist Registration
  2. Permanent Residency
  3. Work without restriction in 4 or 5 years reducing your 19AB DPA 10-year moratorium.

You will be navigating a system where there are requirements and incentives for you to go to a more rural location. It might be worth compromising on your first job to complete all your professional and private goals in the shortest possible time.

If you can compromise in your first location, then you will be serving communities that do need your skills, and you can expect a much higher income. You will most likely be able to earn and save a significant amount of money and can settle in the suburb that you desire, meaning that you and your family can plan for your second home in Australia that will be your forever home.

Having an experienced mentor already organized by the practice is a highly beneficial element to positively starting your Australian career. Your Doctor Connect Recruitment Consultant will arrange for you to meet with suitable practices for an informal Teams meeting. When you meet with the practice representative, they will discuss with you the demographics, patient flow, and possible incomes in that location for a doctor of your profile.

Registration Process

Moving to a new jurisdiction results in a process of registration that we will need to work through together before you start work. The great news is that the government acknowledges that this system can be improved and over time the process is becoming more streamlined.

The other great news is that Doctor Connect has a passionate, friendly and experienced registration team who are dealing with these processes every day. We will be able to answer your questions and help you get to Australia as soon as possible.

We will need to work through cascading processes with:

  • Verification of qualifications with the ECFMG / EPIC, and registration with Australian Medical Council
  • Registering with AHPRA, the Medical Board
  • Immigration for your work visa, or PR, and
  • The Australian Department of Health and your Medicare Provider Number (MPN), which is the final element that you need to start work

This process is detailed but we are here to help and can advise you on current wait times.


Most GPs will commence on a 482-working visa with full work rights, medium-term stream (2-4 years) Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482), which requires sponsorship from an Australian medical practice. Your spouse and dependent children will be eligible to join you on the same visa

Some GPs can start on the 186DE Permanent Residency, but this is dependent on the practice and is less common than the faster 482 Temporary Skill Shortage Visa.

In Australia, as a General Practitioner, you will be welcomed and encouraged to become a Permanent Resident. The practice and practice owners, as well as the RACGP, will be supportive of you completing the exams and becoming a permanent resident. This is the normal practice.

General Practitioner Earnings in Australia

From your first day of work, you’ll earn the full A1, Medicare rebate, which means you will be paid the same for each consultation as other Fellowed Specialist General Practitioners.

GPs working in Australian General Practices are not paid as salaried employees. You’ll work as a contractor and rely on billings generated through the fee-for-service model.

As an experienced Specialist GP, you will realise that this system encourages you to provide high standards of care, develop excellent relationships with your patients, and work smarter, not harder. This will enable you to have an excellent income and to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

*MYTH: If a GP moving to Australia can negotiate with a GP practice to give you a higher %, then you will have a better income in the short term and long term.

*REALITY: If you move to an area with a GP shortage and join a well-run, stable practice with experienced GP colleagues and a high number of nursing and administrative staff, then 60, or 65% will give you a better income than 70% in a location with too many doctors and not enough patients.

Costs of Medical Registration for Doctors on the RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway

There are costs associated with the move to Australia.  While some practices can help financially by giving a sign-on or relocation bonus to cover these costs, not all independent practices have the budget. However, it is not unusual for doctors to choose these independent practices because of the benefits of working in a smaller practice. These include having a committed and experienced Level 3 Supervisor working closely with you.

Next step on your journey to become a GP in Australia

We would be happy to speak with you about your individual needs and those of your family. We look forward to working with you on this journey and to welcoming and supporting you when you arrive in Australia.


Please do contact us to discuss further:

Recruitment Team
WhatsApp – +61 459 064 707

Registrations Team
WhatsApp: +61493612690