Final Stage: Applying for Medicare Provider Number (MPN) on the PEP Specialist Pathway.
We will work with the Doctor and the Practice to prepare to have this ready on the day that the Visa Grant comes back from Immigration.
When you have the Visa granted, the following steps are:
2. Doctor Connect Team will assist preparation of the HW019 Request for Initial Medicare Provider Number
a. Practice to complete relevant fields
b. Practice to complete Letter of Support (can use the Doctor Connect Template as a basis)
c. Doctor to check and to complete relevant fields, including hand Signature
3. Doctor Connect Team will send to , and CC the Doctor and Practice
4. RACGP Approved Placement will then process HW019 form, and send the Doctor their request for the RACGP Education invoice for $12,000 course fees, and request to show your BLS certification
When this is received and processed by RACGP Approved Placement, they will send the form to the Medicare Provider Number team for final assessment and processing.
We then need to wait 2- 3 weeks for the issuing of the Medicare Provider Number, and Prescriber Number
*Doctors will often commence at the practice for 1 – 2 weeks to complete the orientation, understand IT and MBS systems, and shadow experience colleagues, which can all be done without a Provider Number.