Questions and Answers

1.  Is there any deadline for the submission of the comparability assessment? – View answer

2.  What should I write in the field of pathway to qualification?  – View answer

3.  Is it required to print out the statutory declaration to be signed by the witness or to be signed electronically? – View answer

4.  Are there any fees for reviewing my comparability assessment application? – View answer

5.  My experience certificate is in Arabic, do I need to attest it after translation? – View answer

6.  Will you guide me to start the application? – View answer

7.  Can I start my comparability assessment before EPIC/PSV verification comes back? – View answer

8.  When do I have to pay the RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway program fee? – View answer

9.  I’ve finished my EPIC/PSV verification and setup my AMC account.  What’s next? – View answer

10.  Whats the maximum acceptable break from practice for the RACGP application? Can a Comparability Assessment be rejected if the doctor has spent too long away from practice? –View answer

11. Are CPD’s from any source acceptable? – View answer

12. Is it possible to have a conversion letter to show CPD in terms of hours? – View answer

13. Do you know any migration agent who can assist with queries regarding visa and immigration? – View answer

14. How many digits should  my RACGP number have? – View answer

15. Does RACGP require both of my qualifications to be verified by ECFMG/PSV? – View answer

16. I’ve started on my ECFMG. After the biographic information, where it asks about medical school – on this page should I add only my MBBS, or include my post-graduate MRCGP? – View answer

17. Can I do AMC account before ECFMG verification report?, or if I wait for the report, will I need to pay for certificates again in AMC account?  Because, I noticed on EPIC that I will pay for the certificate and again when I registered on the AMC account it asked me to pay per certificate – so is it mandatory to pay for the certificate in both sites? –   View answer

18. Do I need to add in this part all my previous registrations since graduation or only the current one?  – View answer

19. Do I need to write here only my MRCGP or all qualifications? – View answer

20. Are there any specific requirements for type of CPD or is it only the hours to be concerned about? – View answer

21. Regarding the CPD statement, if they reply by email it will it be accepted? – View answer

22. Does RACGP verify with notary public? Because they are asking extra fee for verification? – View answer

23. I have my AMC portfolio already. I’m just awaiting for EPIC to finish verifying my specialist credentials. I’m just wondering when should I apply for the RACGP?  –  View answer

24. Do I need to nominate your agency in applying for RACGP? – View answer

25. Can you please help me in showing my GP experience? The health facility that I worked at preciously closed 2 years ago. – View answer

26. Is the GP practice and family medicine specialist scope of practice the same in Australia? – View answer

27. I have my family with me, and my wife is also a doctor. She will appear for the Part 2 MRCGP exam soon. Does this relocation package cover the full family? – View answer

28. I have participated in clinical audits and research, but I haven’t had anything published, and in research I haven’t been the primary researcher. Will this affect the application?  – View answer

29. Can I take any help from your side in reviewing the application once it’s completed? –  View answer

30. Can Doctors with initial Medical Degree from Sudan move to Australia on the RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway? – View answer

31. Are GP’s with Substantially Comparable qualification eligible for a DPA Replacement? – View answer