The Modified Monash Model (MMM) is a classification tool used to help encourage the distribution of the health workforce in rural and remote areas. MMM measures remoteness and population size on a scale of Modified Monash (MM) with categories MM 1 to MM 7. MM 1 is a major city and MM 7 is very remote.
- city (MM 1)
- rural
- remote, or
- very remote (MM7)
The MMM classifications are based on the Australian Statistical Geography Standard – Remoteness Areas (ASGS-RA) framework. Analysts review and update the MMM after each census.
A location’s MM rating is shown on the Health Workforce Locator.
The MMM classifies an area according to geographical remoteness and town size.
- Areas classified MM 2 to MM 7 are rural or remote.
- People living in these areas can find it harder to get medical help.
- Accessing doctors can take longer and cost more.
- The Distribution Priority Area classification also uses MMM boundaries. Areas classified as MM 2 – 7 under the MMM are automatically classified DPA. The Northern Territory is automatically classified as DPA.
- Some government programs use the MMM to define their eligibility requirements.
- There is a broad range of programs to encourage junior doctors, GP registrars and qualified GPs to train and work in rural communities.
In terms of the General Practice workforce, it is important to note that most Pathways to Fellowship for Overseas Trained Doctors (OTDs) require you to work in an MM2+ (i.e. MM2, MM3, MM4, MM5, MM6, or MM7) location.
- AHPRA Expedited Pathway – requires DPA, can be MM1
- RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway, Substantially Comparable – requires DPA, but can be MM1
- RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway, Partially Comparable – requires MM2+ (until you gain Fellowship, and then you only need to work in DPA)
- ACRRM Independent Pathway – requires MM2+ with minimum of 12 months in MM4+
- ACRRM Specialist Pathway – requires MM4+
- RACGP FSP – requires MM2+
- Rural Generalist Training Scheme – requires MM2+ with a minimum of 12 months in MM4+
- Remote Vocational Training Scheme, RVTS – requires MM2+